331:断食 (fasting)





Living on the farm made me realized how the natures make themselves empty to endure the long cold winter as well as to get ready for the spring, the season of re-birth. And then, I got wondering about us human beings, perhaps, we also need a period to make ourselves empty one a while.

So, I did fasting for about 18 days; nothing to put into mouth other than water or tea.

Here are some stories I experienced...

For the first few days, I had difficulty not to think about eating; I was always wanting to eat and have to force myself not to. But after few days, I did not think about it much, instead, felt good about not eating and getting my body lighter. Even 10 days after I started fasting, I could go running with regular (?) eating people.

Over the 18 days, I did not see much difference in my weigh. The skin especially on my face got moisten and became in a much better condition though. Further, I could wake up early morning easily and yet my emotion was rather calm throughout the day.

After stopped fasting and started eating again. I started out by drinking water with dried sea-weed, kombu, for few days. And then, I started eating easy food like tofu or vegetable soup.

Well, it was difficult for me not to eat too much once I started eating again though.

What I experienced with my body may be what happens to our minds as well, it is really difficult for us to make our minds empty, isn’t it?